Video YouTube

#NatureNow, a new short film narrated by Greta Thunberg and political journalist, author and activist George Monbiot, serves as a call to action to protect, restore and fund #NaturalClimateSolutions. Credits: Tom Mustill/

TED Talk PM Bhutan

The Hindu Kush Himalaya region is the world's third-largest repository of ice, after the North and South Poles -- and if current melting rates continue, two-thirds of its glaciers could be gone by the end of this century.

What will happen if we let them melt away? Environmentalist and former Prime Minister of Bhutan Tshering Tobgay shares the latest from the "water towers of Asia," making an urgent call to create an intergovernmental agency to protect the glaciers -- and save the nearly two billion people downstream from catastrophic flooding that would destroy land and livelihoods.

Green Gold

Documentary on the landscape restoration of the loess plateau by John. D. Liu

YouTube (English Version)


Video YouTube

Environmental filmmaker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits to people and planet of undertaking these efforts globally.

It's the story of healing landscapes at scale, and, with it, restoring life, livelihoods, security and a future. This documentary is not just a tale of hope, it's evidence of hope - it's proof that we do not need to give in to apathy and despair. Instead, we see we have the simple solutions right in front of us.

Regreening the Sinai desert, Egypt

Film by John D. Liu

John Journey to the Sinai


Video YouTube



Right Livelihood Award Foundation

Video on Land Grabbing

Answers from Tony Clarke (Right Livelihood Award 2005), Polaris Institute, Canada Camila Montecinos, GRAIN (Right Livelihood Award 2011), Chile Lennart Olsson, LUCSUS, Right Livelihood College, Lund University.

Interview Rajagopal Ekta Parishad, India

PV Rajagopal, leader of Ekta Parishad, about globalisation, the landless in India, awareness-raising, movement-building, non-violence and the Ghandian economic approach. Ekta Parishad is a non-violent social movement in India working on land and forest rights.



This animated film tells the reality of soil resources around the world, covering the issues of degradation, urbanization, land grabbing and overexploitation; the film offers options to make the way we manage our soils more sustainable.

For more information and media visit


Desert Control Using Nsano Clay